the news. - the members. - the rules. - the application. - links. - challenge. - contact. - forum.


Die Kriegausleseis always looking for talented MOHAA players, as we're growing up every days. If you got the will to be part of a talented group of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault players and, of course willing to take part on the other side of the beach, be sure to let us know, we want to hear from you!

Note.: In the coming days a simpler application form will be up and running!


When applying for a position in the clan, please e-mail us with the following information:

Note.: For some reasons, users of Internet Explorer are unable to see the form displaying correctly, we apologize for the inconvenience, but in the meantime you can sign-up manually by e-mailing this link.

Nickname :
Name :
Age :
Sex :
Location :
Connection :
Favorite Weapon :

Copyright 2002 Die Kriegauslese Team ®
All rights reserved